Friday, July 8, 2011


A little late getting this started but here it goes.  I have started a journey.  The journey, i have discovered, is hard, daunting, and at times, lots of times, frustrating.  I am talking about buying a house.  Not just any house, mind you, the perfect house. The 1st house.  I entered into this endeavor to give my child and myself some stability and a place to put down roots.  My parents never owned a car or a house.  We moved around A LOT!  I don't want to move anymore and so I began to do some research as to what kind of loans I could obtain with questionable credit and no money.  I was approved for a loan through our local USDA out of little 'ol Vinita, OK.  Let the hunt begin!  I found THE house.  Affordable, cozy, conveinent and in my price range.  Made an offer and was shot down.  Let the hunt being again.  So that is where i am now in the journey.  Still looking, although my excitement has waned just a bit.  I never knew the process was so rigid and how many hoops i had to jump through.  I feel like a dizzy child that just got spun off of the merry go round.  My head hurts sometimes from all of the thinking I have to do with this.  Stay tuned for more updates.  I am trying hard to remember to blog about my experience with this.  It's really all I can do to remember to wake up in the morning. :)